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Catch the TikTok trend

TikTok Advertising and Trend every minute

The library contains hundreds of thousands of Tiktok sponsored video clips, helping you find product trends and products to WIN the market

200000 +
TikTok Sponsored Clips
2500 +

Continuously update thousands of Sponsored TikTok Clips every day

Helping you catch the fastest advertising trends on TikTok from thousands of advertisers in Vietnam

Tiktok ADS


Sponsored Video Clips

Using TikTok Social Listening system to collect hundreds of thousands of promotional video clips on Tiktok (Sponsored Clip)

Tiktop Top Sellers

Searching for top sellers in Vietnam on Tiktok (Tiktok Top Seller) through promotional video clips

In-depth analysis

The system helps you analyze in-depth insights of the parameters of each promotional video clip

Realtime update

Real-time update system so you don't miss any product advertising trends on TikTok

Case Study

Content win

I have watched 30 TikTok promotional video clips with the highest views and interactions on the system and have made clips promoting the company’s products. The result is an impressive amount of interactions and sales

Clients & Partners

“The mystery of content ideas including images and sounds are solved by TikTokAds System. In addition, Online sellers will easily know the trends and behavior of customers through the tool, the price is also good.”
To Uyen
LUKA Academy
"I used it, it's very useful for my online business, if it's possible in the United States that would be great"
Ha Nhat Anh
Devas - Global Business Network
"There are a few similar tools, but not as many Sponsored Clips in Vietnam as TikTokAds. And most importantly, the price is right"
Hoang Tam
Marketing Manager

Catch the trend of TikTok advertising today

Free sign up for trial